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Compare Business Water Suppliers Today!

Did you know that many businesses across the UK are still overpaying for their business water? Don’t continue to make the same mistake, compare business water suppliers today to find the most cost-effective prices and savings on your water bills.

To get started, call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the quote form above to see how much you could save…

What is the open water market?

The open water market is the process of water deregulation in England.

Water deregulation means that water suppliers no longer have a monopoly on certain districts. Businesses now have the right to compare water suppliers – before today customers had no choice other than to have their water supplied by the water supplier allocated to their area or region. To find the best business water rates you’ll need to compare business water prices. Our business water experts can help you compare water rates from other water suppliers to see if you could be making savings by switching suppliers. To get started, simply call our water experts on 0800 9777 000, or alternatively, you can fill in the quote form at the top of this page.

Can I change business water suppliers?

The water market is now open in England (Since April 2017), which means that business customers no longer have to use their regional water supplier for their area and can choose their own water suppliers. This means that water rates are about to get much more competitive.  The biggest benefit of the deregulation of the water market is that businesses can make savings if they’re overcharged on their water bills. If you’re looking into changing your water supplier then you’re in the right place. At Exchange Utility we can provide you with a business water supplier comparison.

What benefits are there to comparing water suppliers?

Businesses in Scotland have been benefiting from water deregulation since 2008 and over half of businesses have now renegotiated their water contract. The Scottish Government negotiated a new contract for their council buildings and hospitals and is due to make a saving of £40 million over the next four years*.

As of April 2017, the water supply market has now opened in England. This allows businesses to benefit from:

Increased competition from water suppliers
Better water rates
A wider range of choice
Better customer service
Increased water efficiency

How can I compare water suppliers in Scotland for business?

Scottish customers are benefiting from being able to compare commercial water suppliers in Scotland, with over 130,000 businesses switching to a new water contract and making substantial savings on their water bills.

The Water Market in Scotland has been operating in this way for almost ten years and is now working well for both business and domestic consumers. In England, the market is still developing and is facing some problems with rising complaints and problems from customers. For more information give our friendly team a call today.

Business water comparisons for large businesses

We understand the differences between sizes of companies, so we always treat small and medium businesses differently from larger businesses. We always try to find the best deal for each individual business and larger businesses are no different. Our specialised team will provide all the information you need to switch your business’s water supply. If you’re a large business owner or employee and want to understand more on large business energy deals, take a look at our guide on large business energy.

Who is my water supplier?

If you’re unsure who your water supplier might be and you’re unable to find this information on a current water bill for the premises or by your bank statements or direct debits, all is not lost. Before the mark opened on 1st April 2017, your business premises’ water would have been supplied by one of the main regional water wholesalers. If you’re unsure who this would have been, then you can refer to the Water UK website, you simply need to enter your business postcode to find who the wholesale water company is for your area.

Once you have this information, you can then check the name of the water retailer who took over from the old regional water wholesaler by checking on the Open Water website. This assumes that you or the previous owners had never switched water retailers, but if they had. The water retailers should be able to help you find out which water retailer currently supplies your business.

How can I reduce my business utility bills?

As well as comparing water suppliers to save your business money, you may also want to consider other ways of making savings such as;

Reduce your water usage and energy usage
Efficiency advice and green energy alternatives
Consider comparing your business energy suppliers

For further helpful tips, take a look at our guide to reducing your business energy bills.

Why use Exchange Utility to compare business water online?

✔ Our customer support team is one of the best in the industry
✔ Contact Exchange Utility to switch your energy tariff in as little as 5 days
✔ We have years of experience comparing business energy
✔ We have built a solid reputation for being a reliable, independent and trustworthy comparison company
✔ We can compare gas prices from industry leaders to find you competitive rates
✔ Whenever a business gets in touch with us, we always work hard to get them the right rates for their business
✔ Don’t just take our word for it see what our customers are saying about us on Trustpilot

To get started, call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the quote form above to see how much you could save…

*As stated by www.open-water.org.uk