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Business Energy Brokers

Exchange Utility's brokers can save you up to 47% on your energy bills!

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We Compare The UK's Top Energy Providers

Expert Business Energy Brokers

Helping businesses to save money on business energy renewals

Are you a business owner in the UK, looking for ways to reduce your energy expenses and boost your bottom line? Tired of the endless hassles and complexities involved in managing your business energy contracts? We provide a reliable solution to save money on your energy renewals while reducing the burden of time-consuming negotiations.

To get started, call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the quote form above to see how much you could save…

*Average savings of 47% can be achieved when compared to your current energy supplier’s standard out-of-contract rates

How much can our brokers help your business save on your energy bills?

The short answer is… Up to 47% which surprises some people when they hear this, but the only real way to see for yourself is to put our business energy experts to the test!

When you use Exchange Utility to compare business gas and electricity suppliers, our brokers will start searching for the most cost-effective tariffs from up to 22 suppliers to find the right deal for your business. Due to our strong presence within the industry, we can find a great range of bespoke rates. You are then able to select the preferred option for you and your business.

Comparing your business’s energy supplier can help to significantly reduce your energy overheads, should we find you a cost-effective rate. Don’t miss out on our superb business energy savings with our business energy broker switching services.

We can help you to save up to 47%* without the hassle of having to ring around all of the suppliers yourself to compare energy prices for business. Fill in the form above or give our business energy brokers a call today on 0800 9777 000 and get started on your business energy switch today.

Compare your business energy with ease today

If you’re looking to compare your business energy supplier and see if you can reduce your energy costs, choose Exchange Utility’s brokers for the fastest switching service, friendly advice, and professional care.

We can help you to compare business gas, business electricity and business water suppliers. Our brokers are the experts when it comes to comparing business energy suppliers and will help you find a tailored solution by comparing a large range of diverse energy suppliers in order to help you save money on your business energy bills.

We’ve helped thousands of businesses reduce their energy bills across the UK and we know we can help you to do the same, so get in touch with us today.

Thanks to our experience within the industry and our presence, we can source competitive tariffs for your business. Our highly experienced business energy brokers can guide you through the somewhat daunting process of utility management and take the stress away from comparing every supplier in the energy market.

We understand today’s energy customers have a wealth of options available for deciding who to turn to for managing their business energy supply. Having the choice of companies with competitive prices is a good thing, but it can seem like a challenge to carry out research and negotiate with these companies. Thankfully, Exchange Utility’s brokers can provide you with an impartial, personalised and professional service regardless of what size business you have. We will guide you through the whole process when it’s time to renew your business energy.

Compare energy suppliers’ pricing for your business now to find the right energy tariffs based on your business usage – you could be overpaying on your gas and electric bills.

How does a business energy broker benefit businesses?

business price comparison savings

A business energy broker can save you the time and effort of comparing your current energy provider yourself. The brokers at Exchange Utility will search on your behalf and find the right prices for you and your business.

Our brokers a completely impartial and independent service, meaning we will always advise you on what’s best for you and your business without any agenda or conflicting interests.

How long does it take for businesses to switch energy providers?

Exchange Utility will ensure that we switch your business energy supplier as soon as possible. The team will handle the whole switching process for you from start to finish. So you have nothing to worry about throughout the whole process.

You can learn more about the switching process by reading our energy switching FAQ for further details.

What do I need to do to get a business energy comparison?

That’s easy, just fill in our business energy comparison form above and we will compare energy tariffs for you.

Exchange Utility is the perfect place to start

savings on your business energyAs one of the largest energy consultancies in the UK, we have access to a number of business energy suppliers, from the Big 6, independent suppliers, to suppliers that are very green energy focused.

All of these business energy suppliers can offer tailored rates to meet the needs of your business. Call us today on 0800 9777 000 and speak with one of our business energy brokers, or fill out our business energy quote form at the top of this page.

Has your business recently moved into new premises?

If your business has recently or intends to move into new premises and begins to use gas and/or electricity, the existing supplier could potentially place you onto a “deemed contract” in order to provide you with a gas and/or electricity supply. It’s important to ensure that you find a suitable energy contract for your business as your new energy supplier will be under no obligation to provide you with their most competitive deals, whilst you remain out of contract.

What can you do now if you’re on an “out of contract rate”?

According to Ofgem, your supplier must not simply allow you to remain on an “out of contract rate” at the end of your current contract deal. They must take all reasonable steps to ensure you are aware of any other contracts available to your business through your current supplier. They must give you reasonable advanced notice of the end date of your contract and inform you what will happen in due course.

Although these offers may help your business save money, they’re often not the most competitive deals in the market, but they will be a better alternative to the energy prices you’re currently paying.

Is switching business energy suppliers difficult to do?

Your current energy supplier should not make it difficult for you to change suppliers once you are out of contract. They are also obligated to let you know prior to the end of your contract when your contract will end and what will happen after the end of your contract. If you plan to switch suppliers, read your current energy contract thoroughly to ensure that your current supplier’s contract isn’t a “roll-over contract”.

If your contract is a roll-over contract and you do not let your current supplier know you intend to leave, it then limits your ability to make your switch to a new energy supplier a smooth one.

If you need help and advice with understanding your current contract and would like to explore your options with a view to switching suppliers, our friendly team of knowledgeable business energy brokers will be able to guide you through the options available to you. Simply call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the form above and we can help and advise you on your possible options.

Microbusiness energy contracts

If your business is considered to be a micro business, energy suppliers are required to put the end date and notice period on all bills for fixed-term contracts.

Ofgem also requires all smaller businesses to notify their suppliers of their intention to switch at the end of their current contract, any time before the notice period. It’s always advisable to be proactive and check what your current supplier will do with your energy contract and billing after your contract end date, as more competitive options are often found when comparing and switching suppliers.

For energy contracts which started on or after 30 April 2015, Ofgem has reduced the maximum notice period for terminating a micro business contract from 90 to 30 days. Smaller businesses are also required to be notified by their current energy supplier around 60 days before a fixed-term ends how much energy they use each year and provide them with details on how the price of their current contract compares with the new prices.

With this information available, it should make it easier for you to be able to compare utility bills and prices provided by other suppliers when the current contract ends. Our expert energy brokers at Exchange Utility can help you by comparing the energy suppliers we work with to find you a better plan by either calling us on 0800 9777 000 or by filling in the form above.

Why use Exchange Utility to compare business energy suppliers?

Our customer support team is one of the best in the industry
Comparing gas and electricity quotes with us will save you time
We have years of experience in the comparison of businesses gas and electricity
We have built a solid reputation for being a reliable, independent and trustworthy comparison company
We can compare business electricity and gas prices from industry leaders to find you competitive rates

Don’t just take our word for it see what our customers are saying about us on Trustpilot.

Compare your business energy today

To get started and enable us to prepare an accurate comparison for you, we will need some information from your utility bill. This will be your meter number, bill period, payment amount and tariff information. Not sure where to get this information or have any further queries? Give us a call today and we will provide you with the very best business energy prices, advice and cost-effective solutions.

To get started, either call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the quote form above to see how much you could save…

Key terms used in energy contracts and what they mean

Below, you will find some of the key terms used when talking about your energy contracts to help you better understand more about your energy contracts and energy bills.

Key terms quick links



The amount you are billed daily or monthly by your gas and/or electricity supplier for maintenance and other costs, such as maintaining connections to the power and/or gas networks.


Cooling-off period

When you switch to a domestic energy supplier, you receive a cooling-off period which allows you to change your mind about switching suppliers without penalties. However, the same does not always apply to a business energy contract as the rules for businesses and domestics are different. Therefore, you should always attempt to find a suitable deal before the end of your current contract to ensure you are getting the best gas and electricity deal.

To speak to a knowledgeable business energy broker about your options, call us today on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the form above.


Deemed contract/Out of contract rate

If you have recently moved into a new business premises without agreeing to a contract with a supplier, you may be on what is known as a “deemed contract” for your gas and/or electricity supply. This means that you are on an “out of contract rate” and may not be getting the best deal, so it would be advisable to seek out a new energy supplier.


Fixed price

Your energy supplier will charge you a fixed price per kWh for your gas and/or electricity which will not change for the set period of time set out in your energy contract(s).


Fixed term tariff

If your energy supplier has provided you with a fixed term tariff, this will have a fixed end date which you should be made aware of before agreeing to the energy contract. Details of any fixed-term tariff your business energy is on should be outlined within your energy contract.


Green tariff

Some suppliers are now able to offer businesses a more environmentally friendly energy supply by providing electricity and gas from renewable or carbon-neutral sources. These tariffs are known as green tariffs allowing businesses to further improve their own green credentials and environmental impact.



A kilowatt-hour is a unit of measurement which is used to measure the energy consumption of businesses using both electricity and gas.


Meter reading

Whether your business uses electricity or gas, you will be supplied with a meter in order to determine how much gas and/or electricity your business is using.

A meter reading will allow the energy supplier to determine how much your business has consumed and accurately bill you for your current usage.


Micro business consumers

A micro business is a non-domestic consumer and is defined as one that meets one of the following;

✔ A business that employs fewer than 10 employees
✔ An annual turnover or balance sheet no greater than 2 million euros
✔ Uses no more than 100,000 kWh of electricity per year
✔ Uses no more than 293,000 kWh of gas per year

According to fsb.org.uk, there were 5.7 million private businesses in the UK at the start of 2017, with microbusiness.ac.uk suggesting that there were 5.15 million microbusinesses in the UK in 2015.

Here at Exchange Utility, we help businesses of all sizes to ensure you’re receiving the right deal from our panel of energy suppliers. Simply call our expert business energy brokers on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the form above to get started.



A megawatt-hour is a unit of measurement which is equal to 1000 kWh


Smart meter

The government has set in place a requirement for all energy companies to install smart meters for their domestic and small business customers by the end of 2020.

One of the main differences between one of the older, traditional energy meters and a smart meter is in how the meter is read by the energy companies. Smart meters, unlike the older, traditional meters will communicate directly with your energy supplier in near real-time. This should mean you’re only ever going to be billed and pay for the energy you use and cut down on meter reading submission errors.

Older meters rely on one of three methods; an estimated reading, a customer’s reading or somebody physically visiting your premises to read the meter.


Standing charge

Along with the unit price you pay on the amount of energy your business consumes, you will also be billed a standing charge. This is a fixed daily or monthly amount that you pay your gas and/or electricity supplier for maintenance and other costs, such as maintaining your connection to the gas and/or power network.


The ‘Big Six’ Energy Companies

The Big Six is a term widely used to describe the biggest UK energy companies supplying gas and electricity to domestic and business customers. These days, the ‘Big Six’ energy companies in the UK are commonly identified as follows; British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON Next, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE with many other energy companies in the UK making up the rest.

Unit rate

A unit rate is the contractual amount being charged per unit of gas and/or electricity being consumed according to the gas and/or electricity meter.


Variable tariff

A variable tariff allows the energy supplier to alter the standing charge and/or unit rate(s) without needing to wait until the end of your energy contract.

Why use Exchange Utility to compare business gas online?

✔ Our customer support team is one of the best in the industry
✔ Contact Exchange Utility to switch your energy tariff in as little as 5 days
✔ We have years of experience in the comparison of businesses’ gas
✔ We have built a solid reputation for being a reliable, independent and trustworthy comparison company
✔ We can compare gas prices from industry leaders to find you competitive rates
✔ Whenever a business gets in touch with us, we always work hard to get them the right rates for their business
✔ Don’t just take our word for it see what our customers are saying about us on Trustpilot

To get started, call us on 0800 9777 000 or fill in the quote form above to see how much you could save…